Follow the Star: A pop-up Christmas journey

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epicentru id 9781787416185

Carte cu efecte pop-up (3D).
Număr pagini: 24 de pagini
Limba: Engleză.
Editura: Templar Publishing.
Data publicării: 14 noiembrie 2019.
Dimensiuni: 25.7 x 2.5 x 25.6 cm
ISBN-13: 978-1787416185.

Follow the story of the Christmas star on Christmas Eve - a night when magical things happen. Discover it twinkling at the top of a huge pop-up Christmas tree, shining above Santa Claus to light his way and illuminating the three kings as they journey to Bethlehem. Featuring a foil star on every spread and intricate paper pop-ups, this is a lavish Christmas novelty book sure to make the perfect present.