Cambridge Little Steps Level 2 Phonics Book

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125 леев

Дополнительная рабочая тетрадь с заданиями, направленными на отработку и закрепления фонетики. Аудиоматериалы курса представлены на сайте издательства.

An additional workbook with tasks aimed at practicing and consolidating phonetics. Audio materials of the course are presented on the publisher's website.

Step into the world of Cambridge Little Steps, a language and early literacy course that gets very young children communicating in English while nurturing their key life competencies and human values needed to become kind, creative individuals ready to make the most of life's opportunities. Explore: beautiful stories that develop rich, natural vocabulary along with emotional competencies and values; Big Questions that encourage children to investigate real-life topics from different angles; support for early literacy and basic math skills; playful activities and class projects that promote collaboration and turn learning into fun!

Количество страниц80
Страна производителяВеликобритания
АвторGabriela Zapiain
Год Издания2019
ФорматМягкая обложка
ВозрастДошкольное обучение
КомплектацияРабочая тетрадь для обучению чтению
ПроизводительCambridge University Press